I will have these five one off's available at some point on Jan. 30th. Please visit the store for more info. http://copasquattoys.bigcartel.com/
Komorebi... Ango... I wouldn't exactly call these two heroes, but while bouncing around between different alternate universes some good deeds occasionally happen.
Komorebi hails from Triton one of Neptune's many moons. While being trained for time travel he honed his skills of using his diamond firing gills to slice though any opponent. Although there is no plant life on Neptune he regains his powers only from sunlight that's filtered though foliage. This fact has always baffled him so he's in search of where his species originally called home. Ango met Komorebi at the Academy on Triton. He has no background, that he remembers, at all and has decided to join Komorebi in his quest for his truth. To be continued... In the spirit of @defenders_of_good_times I’m doing a figure giveaway. The rules are simple, follow myself @copasquattoys, @defenders_of_good_times, and @chris_dogt on Instagram, and comment #CASTDOGT in the comment section of this photo. I’ll pick a winner this coming Friday the 13th at midnight EST. I'll cover shipping to anywhere on planet Earth. #copasquattoys #erewhon #sofubi #defendersofgoodtimes #dogt
This year marks our first time doing Lucky Bags. Each bag contains 4 one off painted Fumetsu set of figures, one Fumetsu blank figure, and one Semi Korosiya blank figure, also stickers, koozies, and a CAST lapel pin.
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Japanese Vinyl Toys and hand made Resin goodies! C.A.S.T Archives
August 2017